In this city of millions, we're dedicated to making more smiles every day and committed to understanding the genuine needs of different customers.


Customer service representatives typically listen and respond to customers’ needs and concerns, provide information about products and services, take orders, determine charges, and oversee billing


網球教練 專業資格: 香港網球總會註冊​教練 美國職業網球協會專業教練。


Providing the professional and innovation design service for what you need!! Welcome to inbox us :)
D設計 / 平面設計Design ur needs

2016第68屆香港學校朗誦節,由專業朗誦教師輔導,提供一對一或小組授課課程,幫助學生在比賽中取得佳績;也可推薦學生參加校際朗誦比賽,讓學生充分發揮出才能!Provide Chinese Speech Festival Training to Students

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
t商業 / 顧問treasure123

Health Wisdom Training 主要提供培養創意技巧、NLP記憶技巧(全腦記憶學和職場記憶術)、心理學技巧(身體語言及讀心術)以及禮儀細節(商務禮儀、社交禮儀、餐桌禮儀)的課程及工作坊,歡迎企業培訓、團體、NGO、中心及各大小型機構包班或合作: 熱門題目: 【職場測謊】、【NLP記憶法】、【商務禮儀】、【國際餐桌禮儀】、【魅力、強勢、演講】

Target Muay Thai Fitness 鄰近灣仔港鐵站,交通方便,包場後可擁有完全私人空間。更可以租用獨立場地作練習或健身用途。實行私人或小組教授模式,令學員可得到更適切、更專業的指導,提高教學質素。教練具超過13年教授泰拳經驗,尤其對教授新接觸泰拳的學員有獨到心得。亦可以包場形式進行訓練, 由1對1至1對4均可, 有完全私人練習空間, 時間由每日早上七時至晚上十時.
運動及健身 / 健身Target Muay Thai Fitness

高爾夫教練教授揮桿技巧,姿勢及動作,適合初階、高階及深造班高爾夫教學. 另有小組興趣班,每班2~4人,學費由 $200/小時起。

As the leading SEO company in Hong Kong, we are able to offer our clients campaigns that are tailored to suit their specific needs. - See more at:
f商業 / 市場策劃firstpage123

IT Training Courses

Techno Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong was established in 1995. During these 16 years we have changed in many ways, keeping up with your needs and trying our very best to serve you.
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音Techno Harley-Davidson

We strive to provide the best service,innovative concept and unique design to our valued customers.

cater to the needs of every occasions, be a bouquet of roses for a special event or lloral decorations for wedding receptions
B鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Bloom N Blossoms
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